Dear Spotify team,
Before we keep listening to music together, I want to talk to you about myself
I am Malena Guzmán, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am 23 years old, and I have a degree in Media and Entertainment Management.
I decided to study this because I love music and concerts. When I was a little girl, I had the opportunity to see AC/DC
Livelive at River Plate. ThenFrom then on I knew that my future job would be in this industry. All my passions are related to music. For example, all the travelstravel I do, areis because I have tickets to see my favorite bands in another partother parts of the world.
As you can see in my resume, I’ve been working in this industry since 2014
, and I think I am made for this. I always have a fantastic time working andat work knowing that I work to put a smile on people’s faces. I love to work givingprovide a service to people like me: music fans.
In all these experiences, music has been always my best friend in
the shape of playlists. I have something called “Soundtrack of my life”Life” where I include all the important songs in my life. I have playlists for every moment in my life with songs and artists from different genres and countries. Something that I enjoy doing, is giving playlists as a gift. Recently, I made one for my boyfriend with all the songs that have been there for us since day one., (he loved it.).
I love changes, and I think this job would be a wonderful change in my life. I would be so happy to work at the company that is with me every day of my life.
And theBut best part is that I would work doing something I really enjoy:, making playlists. Obviously, I made one to listen to while I’m writing to you.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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