The aim of this report is to talk about drinking among youngsters. My englishEnglish teacher has asked me to conduct a survey to find out what habits youngsters have in terms ofwith regards to alcohol consumption in our area.

It is easy for adults to think of teen drinking as an act of rebellion
, but the reasons youngsters start drinking can be complicated and varied. Peer pressure can be a major factor in contributing to drinking for the first time becauseas, more often than not, youngsters feel preasurethe pressure to keep up and to fit in with their friends.
TeenageFurthermore, teenage drinking is normalised by the film industry, as it is casually shown in mostplenty of films. Adolescents with the highest exposure to alcohol useused in films are more likely to have tried alcohol, compared withto those who have been least exposed.
Teenagers may also drink to temporarily distract themselves from the pressures or worries of life. Puberty is a tough time
, and teenagers may use drinking as a coping mechanism.
According to the answers
ofgiven to my survey, the first type of alcohol that youngsters try is beer because they usually have it at home and its packaging is smaller so it is easier to hide.

BecauseSince the brain continues to develop until about the age of twenty, alcohol consumption, and especially binge drinking, can potentially cause permanent damage. Heavy drinking or binge drinking during teen years isadolescence is in fact often associated with abnormalities in brain areas dealing with motivation, reasoning and interpersonal interactions.

Parents should
therefore keep an eye out for warning signs, such as problems with behaviour or grades at school, lowered energy levels, rebelliousness and promblemsas well as problems concentrating and remembering things.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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