Hi Martin,
At the beggining I'd like to apologize that I haven't written to you for so long. I hadhave had some crazy timetimes.
am writtingwriting to you becouse I want to to tell you that I have met amazingan amazing person recently and we became a friends.
and I met on the Internet. Just as IWe both like to play on the computer. I met him at the PGA games fair in Poznań.
My friend is an IT guy
. The time spent so he spends a lot of time at the computer. He knows the computer like fewbetter than most.
We get along great. Often times we play on a computer.
Just as IWe both love RPGs and strategy games.

That's everything what I wanted to tell you. I think that you should come to spend some time with us during holiday. We will manage a LAN party and play together in Age of Empires.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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