In our opinion, the best way to increase the company's sales is to use and develop the marketing strategy. There are several ways to market the company's work,; for example, communications. It is important for every company to have inside communication channels between their workers and manager, as well as outside communication channels with their consumers and suppliers. This will give them new ideas on how to benefit from others and develop themselves. It also gives them chances to explore new markets and make business relationships.
In addition, companies should focus inon the 4Ps which are4 P's: place, product, price and promotion. And the company should study the place whichit will operate in to know what benefits they might get from it, and what their people like. Based on that, they should preducedproduce the most wantedmost-wanted products. Moreover, they should be careful in determining the prices. This can be done through studdingstudying consumers' average demand and incomes. Also, they can use advertisements, promotions and sellssales in order to attract more consumers.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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