So, first of all, I would like to join Silentium because I'm a good human and I want to help people. There are a lot of people in need of help, every single day they require help so. I'll be always be ready for anything,; ready to even sacrifice myself to help them. There are also a lot of criminals out there. You can never remove the crime entirely, but you could soften it a little bit so the. The main reason of joining Silentium is to help people. I've been studying a juristic degree in the university. I've learned a lot of things about law,. I've, also, been also studying criminalisticcriminalistics as a juristic degree, that. That boosts my experience a little bit, because a guy in Silentium should know the laws. Other reasonreasons why I wish to join Silentium is because I love to investigate different things, it's so interesting and it develops your mind and your brain. I'm careful and this job requestrequires carefulness, another. Another reason is that I'm a communicative guy and social guy. I get into a conversation with people a lot,; people see me as a very lovely and good guy. I'm a calm and very mature guy, also, a very fair guy. I always resolved things in a mature and calm way, also. Also, I support the fair people every time, in every case, because I'm fair by nature. Another reason is because I'm a really agile guy. This job requires skills and I gothave the required skills, because. I was born and raised in poverty and, bad places and bad neighborhoods. I've been working since age ten, because life was so hard, that made me agile and slim enough to join Silentium. I'm taught with life, because as I said before, I had a really bad childhood,; people made me work. I know a lot of situations and I could handle them in thea fair way.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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