The multi-channel platforms, which is abbreviated to "MCP", is the nearest application with end users. Through accessing MCP with computers, smartphones, and Wechat, users can deal many transactions, such as inquiring on balance, money transferringtransfers, buying deposit products, etc. In the future, it will not only provide online banking service to customers, but also help analyze customerscustomers' behavior and attract more customers.

The payment system is an online payment platform
which helpthat helps customers buy deposit products, and receive money with WECHAT channelon Wechat and Alipay channelchannels. It connects with payment channelchannels including ChinaPay, WeChat, Alipay, and others that will be imported in the future. It has someis a complex process. For one, customers identifyingidentification, which is used forto get customers' permission with their accounts, consists of two modes which are direct debit, thatwhich supports 17 banks, and payment plans, thatwhich supports over 100 banks.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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