"Ren ya jaras" is an entertaining and educational product that follows the Montessori method, intended for children ageages 3 to 6 Yearsyears old. theThe primary product is a box containing Montessori Inspired Activities and Games carefully selected by specialists.

The concept of identity is inspired by the Montessori philosophy that believes every child is unique
, and it encourages creativity, and motivates children to learn freely within the limits of the environment prepared for them, to learn in their own way, in their own time.

"Individuality, freedom within limits"

basedBased on this philosophy and the idea of ​​the Ren ya jaras products, which depends onare structured around activities., we thought to take the logo as one of the activities, so the logo ((a bell) was designed using simple shapes, and bright colors so that other things could be made according to the child's creativity. Such, such as a ship, an umbrella, or a bird, meaning that there is nonot only one correct answer. The child can observe and learn differently from the other childchildren. Also, to reinforcethis reinforces the concept of "uniqueness, and freedom within the limits" of identity.

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