I would like to remind you that I obtained a master's degree in environmental sciences from the Libyan Academy in 2016 in environmental sciences, which was approved by the Libyan government,.
And when I had the opportunity to apply for a master’s degree HSEQ 2020 from the University of Pisa, I submitted a higher diploma because the Libyan master’s degree was not available at that time
, first. First, because of the lack of time and the result of the war that was happening at that time, and in. In order not to miss the opportunity I applied for a higher diploma, Whichwhich is considered a lower degree than a bachelor's degree, and thiswhich was the reason whythat I did not obtain a diploma from the University of Pisa today.
For your information, I obtained a
Higher Diplomahigher diploma in Occupational Safetyoccupational safety and Healthhealth in 2009.
I conducted an equation and studied remedial materials to apply for a master’s degree from the Libyan Academy. The equation was obtained in 2012, and then I joined the Libyan Academy to obtain a master’s degree in the field of environmental sciences in 2016.
On him: We hope that you will not waste all this fatigue and not obtain a diploma from your esteemed university due to circumstances beyond my control.
Legally, I am entitled to this diploma
, and. I have everything that benefits you, and I am ready to submit any legal documents that prove the correctness of my words, and. I am also ready for any work that is askedrequested of me.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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