Some thoughts just wander with you all day. Jim's were suficcientsufficient to keep him distracted from work. All he could think about weren't numbers or calcularionscalculations but rather getting back home to his wife, Pam. He was a kind, handsome, 30 year old30-year-old man, and she was the sweetest, adorable girl, who fell in love with him at afirst glance. That day, they were celebrating their first mariagewedding anniversary.
the clock struck six. No sooner washad everyone began packing their stuff, thanwhen he was alreadyseen rushing through the office.
She had come back from a business trip the day before because of their birthday. He was eager to spend some time with her, just the three of them. Bebe. He couldn’t be happier. Life comes down to the best moments
, and this was one of them.
When he was leaving, the voice of Michael, his boss, echoed through the
aislehalls in a desperatoon ofsounds of desperation and horror.
- “Richard, I need you
Richard’s first instincts were to ignore him,
whatwhich rapidly revealedproved to be a mistake.
- “Richard
, come back here right now.,he said, clearly annoyed by his attitude.
InWith a long and reluctant sigh, he turned around, only to see the red face of a small temperanentaltemperamental man standing in front of him with thehaunting eyes.
- “I've just
receveidreceived some paperwork. I need your help.
- “Seems like enough to keep me busy for the night
.” However, there was something else keeping him busy. SonethingSomething he could not care more about.
- “Let me just go get some
coffecoffee from the conferececonference room. I’ll be right back.” He sure would, but with enough reason to go home soon. It really was a beautiful shirt, the one he had on, but unfortunately, he had to make some sacrifices. After preparing two cups of coffee, he accidentally poured one down the front of his Oxford shirt.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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