Common mistakes in English

En los últimos años, hemos corregido millones de palabras en los textos que revisamos. A continuación, compartimos con usted un listado de los errores más comunes que hemos encontrado. El listado está ordenado de acuerdo a la frecuencia con la que corregimos estas frases. Debido a cuestiones de privacidad, no podemos compartir todas las correcciones.

Posición Antes Después
#1 the a
#2 is are
#3 a an
#4 in on
#5 on in
#6 will would
#7 is was
#8 a the
#9 that who
#10 was were
#11 have has
#12 are is
#13 its it's
#14 & and
#15 to for
#16 has have
#17 you your
#18 can could
#19 for to
#20 of for
#21 2 two
#22 your you're
#23 Im I'm
#24 this these
#25 there their
#26 that which
#27 in at
#28 would will
#29 which that
#30 Hope I hope
#31 ok okay
#32 need needs
#33 3 three
#34 to too
#35 have had
#36 are were
#37 in into
#38 and to
#39 an a
#40 e-mail email
#41 to with
#42 of in
#43 it them
#44 at in
#45 it this
#46 could can
#47 if whether
#48 wanted want
#49 send sent
#50 in to

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Por favor, ingrese su mensaje
Por favor, elija el idioma a corregir

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