Good nNews
Safety Milestones = No near misses, first aid
s, or doctor’s visits,
Plant Status =
uUnits 32 and 23 are online and 1 is offline.
Best Practices
= All crafts participating in weekly sSafety Meeting. aAll crews are having good JSA's for each task and turning in Bolt cards.
= pPromoted one employee .
New staff
= nNone to report.
= Daily and weekly checks, general plant cleaning, painting coal piping in unit 3, painting bearing water piping in unit 2, installing water heater in unit 1.
Client Meetings = Monday morning sSafety mMeeting.

Bad News

Safety Events = None to Rreport.
A/R past 56 days
= 0
Client issues
= None to report.
Contract Issues
= None to Rreport.
Staffing issues
= = Terminated an employee for sleeping while operating the control board.

Safety events
= None to Rreport.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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