Greetings, Mrs. Parker,

Hope you enjoyed your weekend
, and happy belated MothersMother's Day to you if applicable. I apologize for not being able to contact you; for some reason or another, my cell has been having major reception issues, along with me falling ill the past few days. With that being said, I was able to contact South Hall Self Storage via email. You should have received an email/ call from them today. It was also mentioned that the storage facility maymight have a dolly available in order to transport my vehicle.
regardsregard to u-haulU-Haul, I haven't been able to have a successful conversation with them, as I keep losing reception. Was there a confirmation number/ contact information, etc., in order to pick up from where you left off with them? If you could, can you reply with an attachment of the W-9 form that you require.require? Thank you for your patience, as I am getting frustrated myself.

Most Sincerely,

Derick Reagan

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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