On my Focus Assessment, my results were SEA. S for Social, E for Enterprising, and A for Artistic. I was not surprised by my resultresults because Itthey described me perfectly. One occupation suggested under my result was Business Management which is my major. ShockleyIt is shocking that anything that hadrelated to do with my major was suggested.
I have chosen to research Administrative Services Managers on Career Coach.
hourlyannual wage is 86$86,260. According to Career Coach, there are currently 1,843 Administrative Services Managers that are employed. ThereThere are three areas specialization and similar careers listed under my occupation and they are: Human Resources Recruiter, General Manager, and Information Assistant.
The three
least challenges that I envision In Csccin CSCC or in the working placeworkplace is over working myself and, procrastination, and commitment. I tend to over-work myself, for example if I have a project to do within 3 days I go into panic mood and try to get it done right away. I procrastinate a lot especially if I keep telling myself I will do something. I would tell myself I can do something at certain time and then wait till the last minute.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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