On Friday, augustAugust 18th, at approximately 0541, I, Andrew Jimenez, was driving a white 2012 Dodge Charger on S Avenal Cutoff, north of 30th Ave road, behind a big rig driving at approximately 48 mph in a 55 mph zone. I decided to pass up the big rig in a safe manner, in a two way lane with yellow dashes,. I made sure to look ahead for road conditions and traffic that may cause other vehicles to move into my lane after passing the big rig. I was driving approximately 64mph, which I believebelieved was okay to get passedpast him in a safe manner. I then slowed down to approximately 55mph, after I witnessed the CHP officer , Brooks Gonsalves, make a U-Turn andu-turn, get behind me, and flash his lights to pull me over. afterAfter Gonsalves said I'm gettingthat I was pulled over for speeding at approximately 76 mph, I believebelieved that the officersofficer's radar wasn't calibrated within the required timeframe, or wasn’t calibrated correctly,. The officer should prove this through calibration records. I signed that I received my ticket and drove off. thisThis is my conclusion of the traffic violation.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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