Doses for the members of the public should remain low as reasonably low. Therefore, the assessment of 222Rn and 226Ra sources is of particular importance, as natural radiation is the largest contributor to the external dose of the world population. [25]. Hence, the assessment of the 222Rn and 226Ra concentrations in the air due to contaminated soil, is very important. There are two major pathways thatin which 226Ra might become airborne and contaminate the surrounding air, the. The first pathway is the resuspension of radionuclides from the residual contaminated soil by wind and sandstorms, and the second pathway is radon outdoor concentration, which is produced from contaminated soil .[26, 27]. Therefore, the wind, dust, and sandstorms loaded with the contaminated soil, constitute health risks. [28].
Sandstorms are characteristic of the cities in the south of Iraq,
aseg. Al-Amarah city (Center of Misan province.), theThe sandstorms lead to move the soil to the streets of the city, and vehicle movement over the streets representrepresents a source of fugitive soil, especially during the summer. Fugitive soil is a concern because heavy vehicle movement creates dust that can migrate to nearby residential areas.

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