The worst day of my life:
- In the beginning of the day I missed the bus to school. I was too late so my teacher was quite angry with me. He told me off so it made
me feel bad. In result of lateness I forgot to buy sandwiches so I was hungry all day long.
- The second unpleasant thing that happened to me that was an unexpected test. I didn’t
learnrevise at all so I didn’t write anything. Obviously, I got the worst grade. I let down my parents, they have grounded me for a long time. I wasn’t allowed to watch TV or player computer games.
- Lastly, the worst thing that day was when I was riding a bike
and I suddenly fell down. I had my handa broken hand for a long period of time. I wasn’t able to do things that I liked. It was terrible.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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