Hi, Paweł. TanksThanks for your e-mail. I would like to ask you a few questions but it later. At firstFirst I would like forto tell you to describe how I spent my holidays. So, durying holidayduring the holidays I waswent cycling with my friends to beaches. We playing aplayed volleyball and beach ball . I got to knowmade many friends. I spend with theam nicelyand I had a nice time with them. I still playing aalso played computer games and I surfingsurfed the internet. this wayThat's how I spent my holidays. How did you spend your holiday? whatholidays? What did you diddo, and where did you were.go? I am interestinginterested in what plans you have for the nearestupcoming months . It is a pity that the holidays already endedare already over. I regretsregret that it is necessary to go to theback to school. I am greetinggreet you, and I am waiting for your response.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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