I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rahaf Talal Alradadi. I am from Makkah, Saudi Arabia. I was born in 1999., I am 18 years old. I live in Makkah.and I live with my family. I live with myMy family consists of amy mother, and shewho works teacher geographicallyas a geography teacher and my father, hewho has a lot of business, and Ibusinesses. I also have two sisters and brothers. I am a student at kingKing Said bin Abdulaziz University. I want to become thea nurse, because I like helping people. alsoAlso, one of my hobbies is helping kids. My other hobby is coloring and drawing, although I'm bad at drawing. Moreover, in my free time, I watch TV and play computer games and I also go to the coffee shop with friends every weekend. In conclusion, this is a simple definitiondescription of myself.
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