Well, ifit feels like someone has kicked me in the stomach. I mean, I’m pretty devastated, you. You see, when Brian would call, he would never leave a voicemail. He would either keep calling me until I picked up, or he would shoot me a text. Well, apparently he left me a voicemail about a week before he passed, it’s. It’s short and to the point, but it’s his voice. I didn’t discover it until after he passed. I listen to it a lot, especially during the night when I’m missing him the most. Well, I went to upgradeupgraded my phone on Monday and the guy there told me that all of my stuff would transfer to my new phone. I don’t I just had not needneeded to hear it for the lastpast couple of days, and that in it self bothers me, but today I don’t he has been on my mind, so I go to listen to it and it’s gone.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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