Health is the general condition of a person’s body and mind, and to bebeing free from diseases and pain. A healthy person is completely free from any illness and always trytries to change him/herhis/her habits to find the healthiest lifestyle. HealthyMaintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body can also define health. Moreover, lifestyle means to taketaking control of your health by creating habitspracticing healthy habits, such as eating and sleeping habits. As well, our. Our health also depends on making choices that improve your physical and emotional wellwellbeing. Mental, physical and public health are the three common types of health. Mental health refers to a person’s emotional and social wellbeing. Besides, it is not only about depression and anxiety, it also depends on the ability to enjoy life and to feel safe and secure. Public health refers to trying to stop a disease that is unhealthy to the community and does not help in promote your health. This is fixed by organized efforts and choices of society, public and private, communities and individuals. It is about the health of many people, or everybody, rather than one person. In conclusion, physical, emotional and social health can easily explain health.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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