My work experiences and my background knowledge, allowsallow me to know memyself better and to discover my real weaknesses and strengths, giving me the ability to delimit the areas in whichwhere I want to focusesfocus my studies during the master's degree and my subsequent studies. In the cursecourse of the master's degree, I wish to focus my efforts mainly on learning and research about machine learning and robotics, with projects aimed towardstoward the protection of humans from dangerous tasks,. I'm also I´m very interested in the investigation of autonomous driving systems because these systems are the future for the automobile industry and leadslead to reducereducing automobile accidents and improveimproving the quality of life for people.
I have learned that my interests should be always be focused on helping others and if I invest my time and efforts in things that cause benefitsare of benefit to people of the world, I would become intowill be a happy human.
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