I remember walking down a yellow lit hallway with my grandma. My favorite stuffed animal, Cassie from Dragon Tales, was clenched tightly in my tiny toddler arms. There were white tiles on the floor that reflected the lights hanging above. It seemed like we had been walking for forever through a maze of hallways and waiting rooms and more hallways when we finally stopped at a door covered top to bottom in pink bows. My grandma gave it two gentle knocks before slowly pushing it open slowly.
We walked into a tiny room with a single twin bed
; on one end and a couple of blue plastic covered chairs on the other. My mom was under the covers of the clean sheets of the bed and held what looked like a bundle of blankets in her arms. She saw me in the doorway and smiled sweetly at me. As I skipped over to her, I noticed my aunt, uncle, and my dad all the room as well. My dad took my hand and pulled me towards my mom,; he swept me up off the ground and said in a low, smooth whisper, “Let me introduce you to your new baby sister.”

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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