As a young Muslim of OIC member countriesan OIC-member country, representing my friends in Indonesia as well as in Turkey, I want to speak up theas a voice of the youth to the world about the importance of bonding, fraternity, and creating solidarity among youth. Because, the fate of the world is in the hands of the youth. This is in line with what I have done so far,. I have joined several youth organizations, such as the Indonesian Student and Youth Forum, to address various issues in Indonesia, especially in education,; Youth Generation of Tobacco Control, to address and minimize cigarette users in Indonesia,; Green Generation, which is an environmental organization to address environmental and global warming issues,; Students Union Organization, which is a student organization in the school,; and the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in Turkey; and also in. In the media, I was also the managing editor of the school magazine "KHARISMA", being editorial staff of the Magazinemagazine of PPI Turkey "Konstantinesia", a member of the Young Journalist Pasuruan, and a freelance writer in several children's magazines. I have also published 5 books reading within the Indonesian language for children until teenagerand teenagers to express the ideas in my head.

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