To the Consulate General of Portugal,
Thank you for meeting with me
on November 15, 2018 at 11:15. At that meeting I received direction for the pursuit ofgaining Portuguese Citizenshipcitizenship through my grandparents, as both grandparents were born in the Azores. However, I am not clear on one item that was brought up and requestwould like some clarification on it.
The issue in question involves the marriage of my grandparents, Manuel (Manoel) Fernand Cunha toand Angelina (Evangelina) Condinho in Cambridge, Massachusetts on November 27, 1918. It was conveyed to me that after obtaining the Apostille Marriagemarriage certificate, translated and translating it into Portuguese, I would then have to send these documents to the Notarynotary in the Azores thatwho had assisted in acquiring the birth records of both of my grandparents to have their Marriagemarriage registered with the Portuguese Government.
government. Your assistance with the clarification of this issue will be greatly apricatedappreciated.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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