Malaysia experienced an average drop of 6.9% tourists from the Middle Eastern countries and this is affectinghas affected the annual income ofby RM69.1 billion receipts from 2014 to 2016. In this regard, the present research aimsaimed to document the colour design principles in Malaysian hotel lobbies. It also, to analysealso analysed the psychological effects of colours in interior design; and finally, it purposesproposed to develop a colour attractiveness framework that attracts thefor Malaysian hotel lobbies to attract Middle Eastern tourists in Malaysia hotel lobbies. Through a literature review, firstly the study the study coverscovered colour design psychology, colour of interior design, and colour design environment. For each topic, the study presented the major works by prior scholars, how their works could support future studies, and what aspects need to be enhanced for the colour psychology. Secondly, based on the findings throughin the literature, the study used a survey to determine the expected psychological effects of colours in interior design. Lastly, the analysis highlightshighlighted meanings to colours among the Middle Eastern tourists. In order to achieve the goals, the study used thean integrated colour palette to identify the subjects’ differences in colourdifferent perceptions of colours' meaning and colour preferences in interior environments among Middle Eastern tourists in Malaysia. Slides of four interior colour palettes were shown to subjects, of thewho were Middle Eastern tourists. As the subjects viewed each palette, they completed a questionnaire comprised of fourteen descriptor words. In this respect, the results of the study include documentation of principles of the colour of interior design in Malaysian hotel lobbies, understanding of the psychological effects of colours in interior design elements, and development of a colour attractiveness framework for the Middle Eastern tourists. Also, the results provide colour design principles for Malaysian hotel lobbies that could impact the psychological effects and preferred colour preferences forof Middle Eastern tourists.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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