Dear Sir/Madam:

This is my resignation.
Since, I have expressed my reasons offor why not toI could not be in Room 7 , Dr. Goyal’s room, and was told thethat I was only I amsupposed to leave Dr. Goyal’s room is ifbecause I angrily comewent into the manager’s office and slapslapped my resignation down on the desk. Here it is. SorryI'm sorry, it isbut it was not done in angrilyan angry manner. However, but it is done. BeingMy being bullied intoin situations I have foreseen asare not the best in a working environment have left me no other option.

AsAnd to be clear and so that there are no competing opinions as to my reasons for resigning., I am resigning forbecause of the unpleasant working conditions.
The latest incident of having the disturbance of a self-entitled
and protected nurse, Shannon Parker, is enough. Shannon is allowed to consider and is led to believe the practice ofthat the techniques for keeping the operating room sterile techniqueare second to being corrected in breakswhen breaking the techniques of sterility. She does not
listen because she does not have to
becausesince she can report others for these infractions. Everyone can report others. She does not knowrealize the urgency toof not
breakbreaking the sterile techniquetechniques, and I do not know how she is going to learn this. ThisHer behavior puts patients at risksrisk. She, Shannon Parker, also constantly implies threats of reporting others when her behavior of not acting as being parta member of the team is pointed out. No possible correction has come from the
Leadershipleadership. Shannon operates to break the overall confidence of each operating room team member she has been introduced intoto. If this was the first incident this nurse has had with others, specifically in the Mt. Vernon Operating Room Services, I would choose to withhold my opinion. Staff can verify this. But, itthis is not the first time. It is a repetitive pattern of behavior from her. Staff concerns have fallen on the deaf hearsears of leadership. So, I chosechoose not to in willingly participate as a witness to such behavior in an operating room.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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