In the novel the bluest eyeThe Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison tells the story of a young African American, Pecola, and the social struggles of the time period, some of which includinginclude the difficulties of growing up as a young black woman in the 1940s1940's. TheThis is due to the major theme of this novel, isand something that was expressed far to often, colorism, everyone in the novel. Unfortunately, this is where and when everyone is judged based on their skin tone, which is and theira theme that is reflected in the story. In addition, an individual's future is determined off their skin color becausesince at that time, black people were treated badly whereas white people were treated nicely. How did the black community in the novel look at themselves as?themselves? The black society questions where they belong, and they confuse their true identity with mimicry of the upper classclass. This was because in the 1940s1940's, white beauty was glorified through magazines, televisionstelevision and through variousother media outlets as well. LighterIn essence, a lighter skin complexion gave the white people access to power and gave them the allowance to look down upon darker skinned people. Throughout the

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