Dear Abu Abdullah,
Before going to TRC we need to do the following:

1. Overage stock quantity
needneeds to be corrected and uploaded in coordination with inventory with zero value, as per the finance direction as per attached MOM. Warehouse havehas no reason for that.
2. Some of the shortage items
hashave been wrongly uploaded by inventory and need to be reversed by inventory. Cases such as one set of 5pcs have been uploaded as 5 sets, while it is physically oneonly one set. This needneeds to be systemically investigated systemically by inventory and confirmed physically by warehouse.
3. Some of the high value
items that had been found shortage previously already found because either wasthey were counted wrongly by the team or found locatedto be in otheranother location and were not updated by the warehouse,; however, it has been updated and needneeds to be reconfirmed by inventory.
4. Clarification of TE items
is on going. and itThis should not be included in the adjustment process for the time being and it needs to be excluded till solved.

, as warehouse, do recommend that after completing the above actions then we can allwe will be able to make the final recheck and generate the final adjustment report.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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