My name is Rashida S. Johnson. I graduated from Williams/Sullivan high school in May of 1993.
My medical academic history includes certifications from Holmes Community College
.; a Certified NursesNurse's Assistant consisting ofwith 330 hours of hours of instruction,and an Emergency Medical Technician-Basic consisting of 120 hours of instruction. I also have a massage therapy certificationcertificate through the Academy Of Massage in San Antonio, Texas completing all requirements for the State Of Texas. AlsoI also attended Career Point Institute and I but didn’t complete, due to my spouse getting an assignment tobeing assigned work in another state. Lastly, wasattended Sanford Brown College. There was a lot of dishonestyThedishonesty and I had some bad experiences with the school and my health. MadeThis made me realize that school was not good for me. It was not my intention at all to leave those two schools off ofoff my statement considering they are now closed.

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