Frankenstein Film Review
Some people would rate it 8 out of 10
, but in my opinion, Ithis film would rate this filmscore 3.5 out of 10 because it is not the kind of the moviesmovie that I watch (at home), and I mostly do not watch horror films like Frankenstein or any other movies like that.
19Nineteen years old was the age of Mary Shelley when she wrote ‘Frankenstein (2015).’
This film is a
horror typedhorror-type film; because it is, Frankenstein and Frankenstein movies are horror movies. I believe that in thisthe movie Frankenstein (2015) havedoes not have many messages. However, there are some messages in this film, which are: the knowledge ofthat science is dangerous, the obsession towith science, and mostly(mostly) love in this movie. It is similar to all the Frankenstein movies because I believe that all the movies are told from the monster's point of view as he was created, anand also it is all about creating a monster in the film. InFrom my point of view that, Frankenstein is not scary.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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