Since 1976, 563 executions have occurred in Texas alone. InOf all the executions that ever happened, the National Academy of Sciences says at least 4% of prisoners appear innocent. If a criminal, sentenced to death, would have 15 years in between their sentencing and execution. If prisons gave thea chance of rehab toto rehabilitate all prisoners on death row, a change might occur. Truman Capote writeswrote In Cold Blood to argue that the justice system needsneeded better rehabilitation for criminals to avoid the unjust death penalty.
People who become lifelong criminals, have an extensive, lengthy criminal recordrecords. There are many reasons why someone becomes a criminal, possibly from racism, or prejudice, but Owlcation said, “ These include genetics, hormones, brain chemistry (neurotransmitters) and brain structure and anatomy.. The more a criminal witness,has witnessed or done illegally, they more they won’t want to stop, as they get a thrill out offrom it. Perry’s father remainsremained a negative influence, but Perry needsneeded at least one person to be there for him. Little things ticked off Perry's father very fastquickly, and because he never knew when to stop, it caused Perry to try to choke him. “He carried on like that till I couldn’t stand it” (136). Perry and his father got on each othersother's nerves very fast,easily because they didn't have a lot of money and would blame each other. At dinner, when Perry was grabbing another biscuit, his father snatched the biscuit and said he ate too much, and was greedy, and selfish.

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