Campus Community Experiences: Part 2

I went to the Grease performance. The reason I was interested in this event was that it was a play, and I
havehad not been to a play since the fourth grade when my class went to one during a field trip. Also, since a lot of other people said they were going I thought maybe it’d be fun. It was not as family-friendly as everyone said it would be, but my little brother did not come along anyway, so it was okay.

At this event, actors and actresses performed a play based on “Grease
.. I learned two things;: the first being that colleges don’t ask for your ID when you are attending one of their theatrical performances, and thatthe second it that I should be myself. Like I havesaid before, I had not been to a school play since the fourth grade when I myself was in one, so all I couldn’t compare the experiences other than the difference of being completely terrified atknew was that the play I was in was definitely more terrifying than the one in fourth gradeI was a mere spectator of.

This event led the audienceThe play based on “Grease” actually want to understand thatconvey a very beautiful message to the audience: you should justalways be yourself. The play showed that Sandy onlyonly really liked Danny when he was himself; it conveys that it is best, similarly we all need to just be who youwe want to be and not who others wish youwant us to be. This eventThe play was exactly how I expected it to be, except I expected it to be more similar tofor the fact that I thought it would be just like “Grease” the movie, of which my mom told me all about on the car ride therewhile we were driving to the theatre.

With the information I have learnedAfter this experience, I will remember not to stress over not having my ID for college events I may go to in the future which I may go to. Also, I will notnever try to change myself and who I am to haveso that people like me.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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