Becoming a Vet
My Ideal Jobideal job is to be a veterinarian Becausebecause I love animals.
According to anthe article The Life of a Veterinarian, you must love animals and be able to read animalsanimals' body language . Being a Veterinarianveterinarian can be challenging. youYou get more hours working in a clinic than having your own private practice,. Vets see a lot more deaths than human doctors. You deal with pet owners and their emotions; for example, they bring theretheir pets in so sick its toand it's too late to do anything for them. .ItThis leads the owners to put downputting the pet down. It can also be a rewarding job. , itIt makes you happy when you have made a sick animal get back up and walking around like the pet it was before. Education is important, from High Schoolhigh school to Collage college, and Vet School on to vet school, and passing a licensing exam. This is my ideal Jobjob because I can have my own private practice , and help low income familys with Beingfamilies to be able to get pet care for theretheir pets.
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