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, I took some time on this, and really tookput everything into action that Jamie Recommended andrecommended. I asked clients, friends, and family if you canto think of an Adjectiveadjective that best represents me as a stylist, and for those new followers who recently followed me whatme, these were the common responses to what first comes to mind when they look at my profile these were the common responses: calming, graceful, optimistic, fresh, zen, clean, genuine, inclusive, well roundedwell-rounded. I took it a little deeper and searched colors that representsrepresent these common adjectives and found elements and pictures related to hair that represent my brand and this is what I came up with... My brand colors will be Tonestones of blue, woody, bold brown, and ivory. It’s funny, because when I think of the hair I love to do, color wisecolor-wise, I implement these colors are what I implement a lot into my work.

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