Imagine not having the right to vote, to not have a voice in society. Women had to go through this before the 19th Amendment was certifiedratified on August 26, 1920. The 19th Amendment allowed women the right to vote, and one part of itthat was the Seneca Falls Convention.

To start, theThe first movement for women’s rights wasstarted in 1848, which waswith the Seneca Falls Convention. It was the first time that women from America collectively demanded a change. Before this, women had to cook, clean, and raise children, while men could work, vote, and be involved politically. The Seneca Falls Convention was the start of women’s rights movement. However, after decades of protests, marches, and political organizing, the 19th amendment was passed on August 1920, which allowed them the right to vote. This event would’ve not been possible without the Seneca Falls Convention. This shows howthat the Seneca Falls Convention was an important part of the struggle for women’s rights.

In conclusion, women had to fight for equal rights. The Seneca Falls Convention was the start of women’s rights
movement and this year is the one hundredth100th anniversary from the time the 19th Amendment was certifiedratified. This shows that no matter what gender someone is, they have the right to have a voice in society.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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