Research concerning terms for a VOD-Shop

The service is a spin-off of an established service provider for lab services and digital delivery. We have developed a very advanced interface which makes it
very convenient to search through a very biglarge library of movie titles. In a veryan extremely elegant way, customers can discover connections between different works and tell the system exactly what they are looking for. There is also a focus on complete filmographies of talents. The idea is to rent or purchase exactly that one film you really want. Or, or to let somebody else pay for it (sponsoring).

Customer group: Premium
Territories: First Switzerland, but soon also
CurrentsCurrent but also focusfocused on high quality library/classics

Business Models:

1. Rental (48h)

Pricing: High Quality, High Price

2. EST

Same strategy as 1.

3. Rental sponsored number of streams

A "presenting partner" buys a given number of streams (in a territory) which are presented for free to (potential) customers. Example: A wine brand presents "a glass of wine and a nice film".

4. Rental sponsored number of streams

Same as 3
, but a licence period (example 2 months) instead of given number of streams.

The research refers to high quality and classic titles.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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