The step of the article that I found to be the easiest is the abstract and the conclusion. I was able to get a general idea of what the article was about. I felt that the abstract was able to describeclearly described the three experiments without readingneeding to read the whole article and the conclusion was able to tell me the findings of the experiments. Also, describingIt also described their point of view on air pollution and how it connects to carbon monoxide in the air.
What I
am findingfound the most difficult about reading the article iswas the jargon. The scientific terminology is meant for scholars and experts in the carbon monoxide field. I have minimal knowledge onof this scientific topic. When I read the article, it was very confusing to read because I couldn’t follow what was being tested. The section I did not understand was the graphs. The article presented many charts. I did not know what chart represented each plant or what exactly they were testing. The main idea of this article is about different plants and their consumptionproduction of carbon monoxide in different drastic environments.

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