I. The Business Architecture Principle documents waswere submitted for review and are awaiting feedback from other Senior Managers.
II. Data, Application and Technology Architecture Principles were also documented and
are ready for review and sign-off.
III. The mapping of business processes and loading the processes on the essential tool was delayed
, due to the unavailability of the BA’sBAs, as they are busy with the ROAM business processes.
IV. Data Element documentation will be
donecompleted by the end of July 2020, once the ROAM project has been concluded.
V. Enterprise Architecture Glossary was completely documented
VI. Richard is still busy with Data Migration activities and
Use Cases documentation of Use Cases. The Master Data was submitted to the ROAM team.
VII. The Application Portfolio and Application Function and Services documentation
isare still in progress.
VIII. Essential Architecture Production Machine
,; there is an issue with connecting to the essential production machine.
IX. The following Solution Architecture Templates were submitted for the CIO approval:
• High Level solution architecture template
• Detailed solution architecture template
• Approval of CRM solution architecture
X. Richard indicated that for CRM, ITP, ROAM Integration to continue, they will need to have the business processes documented.
XI. On the projects, Richard is working with the Project Managers to
giveprovide architecture inputs.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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