Melissa St. George is a twenty-five years old,twenty-five-year-old white, female, who is marry withmarried to her husband Charlie, the father of her two children. She has one girl and one boy:- Samantha, who is five, and one boy - Alex, who is three. Melissa was referred to the Division of Student Success by the UTA advisor for anxiety. She is doingstudying for her bachelor’s degree in nursingNursing; she is a full-time online student. Melissa has trouble managing her academic and personal life. Melissa is five-six feetfive-six-feet tall. She has long blond hair and green eyes. She does have a disability. She reported a history of anxiety during the assessment. She stated that she has been diagnosed with anxiety, stress, and depression. She is currently attending therapy at Grace Perspective Counseling.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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