Second, taking into amountaccount the hard economic conditions the country is going through, as conditionscircumstances changed, which greatly affectedaffecting the economy. Four, four sectors have been severely affected by this pandemic,: the food and hotel sector, wholesale and retail, business services, administration, and manufacturing, thewhich account for 35.7% of global employment “UN News” which(“UN News”). This greatly affected the state, especially the owners of thesesuch businesses, as it affected their budgetincome. As people have becomePeople are now unable to pay the high fees for education, which reaches 2000 dinars per semester, whoas no one can save this amount in these hard situations, peopletimes. People are now thinkingmore worried about obtaining food. Educational institutions must take into account the situation of the people by lowering the high fees for students’ families because with distance education, reducing fees is not impossible for the institutions. After all, it doesn’t affect their budget,; students don’t use any of the tools or facilities of these institutions,; it doesn’t needrequire maintenance work, which reduces on itexpenses, therefore, it must reduce the burden on students. Because of these conditions, some students drophave dropped out for a while until they have the money they need. Institutions must take into account the conditions that people are exposed to and see that there are those who are unable to pay the high fees in this situation and make accommodations.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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