I believe one’s identity has various characteristics that are used to define the self. For example, I am a female, a mother, married with two children, Christian, and doing my MA in Global Media. My identity can be categorized under gender, religion, language, parenthood, marital status, race, education, career, sexual orientation, political affiliations, and values.

Stuart Hall argued in
‘who needs identity’‘Who Needs Identity?’ that it is not possible to answer this question because there can be no perfect match for this specific identity: tono way it can perfectly fit with a particular group or person, he. He also mentioned that identities need to be analyzed and theorized according to the historical development of the society (Hall, 1996, p. 17) to easily find the shared characteristics with a person or a group (Identification). Identities are evolving, and they are defined by diversity and difference.

Stuart discussed both the theory of Althusser and the nation of ideologies that are embodied in social
organisationsorganizations, complemented by Foucault’s theory of power. Although media is still possessed by the few and the elites who hold the power, yet it is also being used by the citizens (Movements on racism can now take place from one’s TikTok or Facebook page live). Identity is defined in images whether in still photos or videos: ‘the production of self’ (Hall, 1996, p. 26). If the images that we see onin the media are not diverse, then they become a stereotype whether a gender stereotype, or a racial stereotype, etc. and stereotypes of ideologies are difficult to reverse, what. What we see reflects on what we know, and the more ideologies the more we know.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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