Everything seemed normal, but I couldn’t find myself staring in those icy blue eyes with sparks of gold from the few rays of sunshine left and my head felt light with the millions of thoughts that were racing through it. He has a girlfriend, yet he’s still romantically getting involved with me. His friend mentioned him pretending everything with me and that he had to fly back to America sooner. He clearly told me he was here for a solo trip. Then, suddenly it hit me. The way we meetmet five days ago was a way of out the odds, it was too coincidental. Out of every hotel in the city, he was in mine, and out of every room in the hotel, he was next to mine. What could he possibly be hiding? About five times I was about to stop and ask him about the text message, but each time the words couldn’t wouldn’t seem to come out, getting stuck right in my throat. My heart felt heavy as we approached to the entrance of our hotel. This is our last night together, and after tonight we will probably never see each other again, so I shouldn’t even bother asking anything. His flight is tonight, so before he said goodbye and called for a taxi, we shared one last hug. It felt warm being in his arms, yet cold. As he gets in the taxi, on his way to the airport and to the land of America,. I waved him goodbye to him. I watched as the engine startstarted, and slowly, as the silhouette of the car got smaller and smaller, felt the good memories drift away with it, as the reality setsset in.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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