Management of topics related to SBs with STL (Flight operationsOperations department) specifics, WV (Weight Variant) change, Aircraft Model / Engine change, Sharklet, SB at TOT, SB issue Anticipation, Engineering Order, Alert Operators Transmission, Modifications / installation on the aircraft.
Managing Tech
requestrequests related to SB topics, Flight Ops update requestrequests by the customer, SB reporting, IR request of Flight opsOps manual receivereceived in Airbus World SB reporting application, Information related to Technical or Flight operations subjects, Status update of Service Bulletin, Anticipation of Service bulletingbulletin reporting and Flight operationsOperations update management.
Generation of Pre/Post SB overview file up on customer request.
Organize, lead
&and record meetings with team on Sampling review, Continuous improvement, Knowledge transfer, Guidance & MO update.
Customerscustomers in real life,; organize customerscustomer visits when required or relevant, organize meetings/Conferencesmeetings/conferences and Providing Proactive Supportprovide proactive support.
Participated actively to SBR/ISCOM application reliability
& Improvements (Bugsand improvements (bugs, Detectiondetection, Evolutionevolution proposals, etc.).
Management of SB Multi Configuration
&and SB Triplets, Discrepancies, Inconsistencies, Alerts, SB relationship Management in ISSCOM and communicate the update withto the customer.
Management of Technical Data Requests (TDR) from AIB internal
&and Sub contractors.
Incorporation of Airbus Service bulletins to Airbus customized Flight Operation Documentation (FCOM / MMEL / QRH / APD / AFM / WBM), Maintenance documentation (AMM, IPC, AWM)

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