I think my favorite part time job is the petsitterpet-sitter, because animals, especially cats and dogs, are my passion. I am in love with animals because I have been in contact with them since I was a child. inIn fact, when I was nine9, my parents got me a cat, which I am very fond of. His name is Teo. I think entering the world of work is not easy, but starting to try with a part time job canwill help me. I would start earning my own money and not ask my parents for it, I would be freer, and I would feel like more of an adult. But I also believe that youone shouldn't spend too much time on it as long as you can enjoy the summer. I still want to have fun. This is why working part time is perfect. I believe this summer I will. It will not be easy to start workworking, but there is a first time for everything.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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