To sum up, we discussed KVL, KCL, Nodalnodal, and loop analysis. Briefly: First, the KVL is Thethe number of voltages across a closed circuit that is equal to zero according to Kirchhoff's Voltage Law. And the KCL is the number of all currents entering and leaving the node, which equals zero, according to Kirchhoff's Current Law. Second, the Nodalnodal and loop analysis. The Nodalnodal analysis is used to determine current, but they do so with the use of equations. It's the same as KCL, but with a lot more equations to solve. To use nodal analysis, we must implement a set of rules. The first rule is to choose a reference node. The second rule is to assign voltages to the remaining nodes, and the third rule is to apply the KCL to each node. And LoopA loop analysis is used to find Voltagethe voltage by using an equation. It’s the same as KVL. To use a loop analysis, we must implement a set of two rules to find the unknown Voltagevoltage along with the direction of the flow of the current. The first rule isinvolves assigning mesh currents to the n meshes. The second rule isinvolves applying the KVL to each mesh. Moreover, in the procedure part, we will use KCL and KVL for our first experiment. We will also quantify voltage and current during this experiment. We begin by having our resistors ready. After connecting the cables and, wires and the power supply, we must change the DMM mode to DCI or DCV to measure voltage and current. Our recommendation for anyone who will do this experiment is to be in a close environment during the experiments to prevent any random errorerrors and systematic errors or any external factors.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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