The Happy Prince
This story tells us how two
of the best friends, the Swallow and the statue of the Happy Prince, met.
In a distant city, there was a statue
, called the Happy Prince, placed in the center of the city that could see everything that was going on, in it called the Happy Prince, whilewhile high in the high sky, a bird migrating bird to the south, but decided to rest at the prince's feet, and from. From here, a friendship arose between the Swallowswallow and the Princeprince.
What are the sacrifices made by the prince and the bird to the people? How did a rigid statue help people?
This story is very beautiful, expressive, and has a lot of
feelings, sofeeling. I loved it very much and chose to write about it because it is one of the most fascinating stories I have read.
I liked that the writer spoke about the importance of sacrifice and friendship. And that the ruler must know everything that is happening outside the boundaries of his
place, hepalace. He can live a luxurious life, but the parish should not suffer from the tightness of thedifficulties in life.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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