The demand for representation of related conceptconcepts led to the developingdevelopment of a mathematical entity, the Graph. The Graphgraph structure helps us represent natural linked data such as Socialsocial networks, web pages, biological data, and many others. GraphA graph is defined as the pair G = (V, E), where V is a set of points and E is related to V [1]. The elements of V are called vertices (they are also foundknown as nodes). The elements of E are called edges (also foundknown as arcs) which are straight or curved sections. The endings of E consist of two elements of set V [1].
Graphgraph area has experienced a fast development in the lastrecent years [1] and became an essential tool for engineers and mathematicians.
The graph structure performs some algorithms because the graphs allow us to execute these algorithms efficiently. Moreover, the
Graph letgraph lets us visualize the result. Graph mining is the process to extractof extracting knowledge from a graph and use using it in various fields such as chemical informatics, computer vision, text retrieval, Social Networkssocial networks and others.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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