I am writing to inform you that I was enrolled in the Business Management diploma at your London campus, but due to some unforeseen reasons I have to withdraw from the coarsecourse.

I would like to explain that I have to travel to Pakistan next month because my mother ishas been diagnosed with the hepatitis C and doctors recommended to haverecommend a liver transplant. Furthermore, Im the am her only son she has. Sheand she needs me around for herfor moral and emotional support.

However, I have a plan to continue this
coarse incourse during the next summer vacations thereforeSummer vacation. Therefore I wouldkindly request you to keep my seat secure for the upcoming coarsecourse as I worked so hard to secure the admission ininto one of the prestigious organisationorganisations and I was so proud byof my decision.

am expectingbeg your understanding with regard to this matter!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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