This reminded me of one of the most stressful nights of my life...shit who an iam I kidding? i dontI don't have to front, after all my auidenceaudience is your craycrazy ass. Let me correct that...MY WHOLE FUCKING DAY WAS DREADFUL; a complete shit show. Bittersweet emotions as we departed the extended stay that had become a home to us for good. Of course our group had to make it as trsumatictraumatic as possible because we couldntcouldn't slip out peacefully...No No No! we had to go out with a bang. Moe my arch nemesis and biggest pile of dog shit decided at least my theroytheory was to take some roids and rage out at pourpoor Anthony. However he ended by really attacking black people which lucklyluckily for us was the majority of the employees at exstendedextended stay. Then Moe in what seemed tocould only be described as a pdychosispsychosis dropped my friend katKat and Ime with only half of our belongings at the wrong location. Kat had to work rather soon so shes noshe’s now hyperventilating and crying and you Anthony have now become MIA. I had to pull everything together. thatThat was the day iI was forced to surrender Boots. youYou never showed which filled me eithwith deepni was ubering and lyftinglofting all over South floridaFlorida sick out of my mind and both pysically sick from the lack of dope. That was the last o

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