I am writing to ask if it is possible to schedule the days that I can join the band as a bass player in advance.advance?

Yesterday, Cory scheduled the weeks that I would run the soundboard until the end of the year yesterday, Soso now I know when I am available to join the band as a bass player. My hope is to play the bass twice a month, so I wonder if it is possible for you to schedule the weeks that I can join the band as a bass player in advance. In that way, you won’t need to ask if I am available to play the bass every time that you think that you might need a bass player. Also, I would be able to schedule off days in advance.

Just for your information, I
just want to let you know that there was a miscommunication between sound team members on the 1st of September, so I ended up not being needed on that day for both sessions (Both(both Cory and I realized that someone else was scheduled to do the sound and slide on that morning). Because of that, I couldn’t join the band and I felt sad. I hope to minimize this kind of thing happening, so that’swhich is why I am asking if it is possible to have a fixed schedule. Of course, it is fine if it is a bit hard to schedule things in advance. I just wanted to ask.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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